Our Ministries
CSWSC is carrying out it's mission through connection, education, and fellowship. Please see below for the many opportunities provided by our organization.
CSWSC is a grassroots, volunteer-run, national organization founded in the Fall of 2022. We remain true to Church teaching, following the guidance of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and the National Catholic Bioethics Center (NCBC).

For Students
Ask to be considered to present at a forum, or co-present with a professor or professional Catholic social worker.
Attend a Presentation or Informal Student Forums - short presentation on a Catholic social work topic followed by q & a and open discussion. These are the events historically put on by CSWSC. You can email a topic for discussion ahead of time if you like.
Join our Panel Events: 3 speakers, time allotted for presentations is longer, then open discussion (similar to the forum).
Attend the Catholic Social Work Month Student Celebration - while it is challenging to be a Catholic social work student, this is the “all positive moments” CSWSC event of the year for social work month.
Join our team! If you feel called to help CSWSC, please let us know. We are a grassroots volunteer-run organization following the Holy Spirit the best we can!
For Professors
Ask us to present in your class about CSWSC and our mission, even if it is for a small portion.
Pass along flyers or the cswsc.org/events weblink for students to consider joining us.
Remind your students about our event, lead the way by attending our events, and/or offer extra credit for student attendance.
Ask to be considered to present at a forum or panel, or co-present with a Catholic social work student.
Attend our Presentations or Informal Student Forums - short presentation on a Catholic social work topic followed by q & a and open discussion. These are the events historically put on by CSWSC. Students get first say but historically all get to participate.
Join our Panel Events - 3 speakers, time allotted for presentations is longer, then open discussion (similar to the forum).
Attend the Catholic Social Work Month Student Celebration - while it is challenging to be a Catholic social work student, this is the “all positive moments” CSWSC event of the year for social work month. Students get first say but historically all get to participate.
Join our team! If you feel called to help CSWSC, please let us know. We are a grassroots volunteer-run organization following the Holy Spirit the best we can!
For Professionals
Ask to be considered to present at a forum or panel, or co-present with a Catholic social work student.
Volunteer to be on the CSWSC “informational interview” list. You would be expressing an openness to sharing what you do as a social worker and your integration of faith in an “interview” by a Catholic social work student. This would help Catholic social work students find their path.
Check out our resources page
Pass along flyers or the cswsc.org/events weblink for students (such as interns) to consider us.
Join our team! If you feel called to help CSWSC, please let us know. We are a grassroots volunteer-run organization following the Holy Spirit the best we can!